Court of Honor – June 6th

Our Court of Honor has been moved to be a true “end of the year” event. It will be held on the very last Scout Meeting for this school year, June 6th.

We will only hold the Court of Honor (no other Troop activities/meetings), followed by a Pot Luck fellowship dinner. The COH is planned to begin at 7:00pm (pending coordination with the Cub Scouts and Cork UMC Choir). Another message will be sent shortly with the confirmed time, and the “asks” for the potluck (entree, snack, dessert, drinks, etc.).

We will also be circulating, very shortly, a listing of Ranks, Merit Badges and Awards due to be presented to you / your Scout(s) at the COH, along with any Merit Badges we’re aware of that they are currently “partially complete”. The goal is to confirm our records and give Scouts that have partials, another couple of weeks to see if they can complete the remaining requirements.