Merit Badge Academy – May 9th

The Spring 2015 Merit Badge Academy will be held from 9 a.m. until 4: 30 p.m. on May 9 at Saint Leo University, 33701 State Road 52, Saint Leo, FL 33525. Cost for Scouts is $20 per participant, including lunch, and $5 for adults, which pays for their lunch. Please note: there is an additional

Spring Camp-O-Ree (March 27 – 29)

We will be meeting at Cork UMC at 6:00pm on Friday, March 27th to depart for the Spring Camp-O-Ree at Flaming Arrow Scout Reservation. Although we hope and expect that we may have use of Council tents or adirondacks, there is a chance we may not, so be sure to bring tents along with typical

Cross-Over Ceremony

TIME: Monday, March 23rd at 7:00pm (half-hour earlier than normal). DRESS: Class A full dress uniform, with neckerchiefs, sashes, etc. Please arrive by 7:00pm (everyone) in dress uniform to be a part of the cross-over ceremony. Our normal troop meeting will follow the cross-over, and we will be discussing Camporee and Summer Camp.